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ASAN 2025 Webinars


Wednesday, February 19

7 - 8pm 

Nursing CE: 1.00


Sometimes Nurses Need Help, Too: Recovery and Alternative to Discipline Programs for Nurses

Signup Now


This program will introduce concepts of substance abuse as an occupational hazard for nurses. It explores the known risk factors, stigma, and workplace barriers to help-seeking which lead to delayed treatment of substance use disorders. Participants will be educated about emerging resources for earlier intervention with pathways to recovery including state-specific Alternative to Discipline (ATD) programs: their goal, function and role in protecting the public while supporting nurses in recovery.

Learner Objectives

Will be able to list risk factors of SUD for nurses. Will be knowledgeable regarding the goal and function of Recovery Ready Workplace initiatives and their connections to Alternative to Discipline Programs for nurses.


Deborah Koivula, RN; Outreach Coordinator, SPAN; Albany, New York

Deborah has extensive experience in addiction medicine, working with the New York Statewide Peer Assistance for Nurses (SPAN) program for over 10 years helping nurses navigate pathways to treatment and license preservation. She is knowledgeable of the laws protecting nurses in recovery and the Alternative to Discipline (ATD) programs which support their optimal health and return to safe practice both locally and throughout the United States.

Nursing CE

This event is approved for Nursing CE with the California Board of Nursing.


No refund due to cancellation. All registrants will have access to a video archive if you are unable to attend in person.

Monthly Schedule

January webinar has been rescheduled to March


Wednesday, February 19

7 - 8pm 

Nursing CE: 1.00


Sometimes Nurses Need Help, Too: Recovery and Alternative to Discipline Programs for Nurses

Signup Now


This program will introduce concepts of substance abuse as an occupational hazard for nurses. It explores the known risk factors, stigma, and workplace barriers to help-seeking which lead to delayed treatment of substance use disorders. Participants will be educated about emerging resources for earlier intervention with pathways to recovery including state-specific Alternative to Discipline (ATD) programs: their goal, function and role in protecting the public while supporting nurses in recovery.

Learner Objectives

Will be able to list risk factors of SUD for nurses. Will be knowledgeable regarding the goal and function of Recovery Ready Workplace initiatives and their connections to Alternative to Discipline Programs for nurses.


Deborah Koivula, RN; Outreach Coordinator, SPAN; Albany, New York

Deborah has extensive experience in addiction medicine, working with the New York Statewide Peer Assistance for Nurses (SPAN) program for over 10 years helping nurses navigate pathways to treatment and license preservation. She is knowledgeable of the laws protecting nurses in recovery and the Alternative to Discipline (ATD) programs which support their optimal health and return to safe practice both locally and throughout the United States.

Nursing CE

This event is approved for Nursing CE with the California Board of Nursing.


No refund due to cancellation. All registrants will have access to a video archive if you are unable to attend in person.

This webinar will be announced soon
This webinar will be announced soon
This webinar will be announced soon
This webinar will be announced soon
This webinar will be announced soon
This webinar will be announced soon


Wednesday, March 19

7 - 8pm 

Nursing CE: 1.00


A Nurse's Journey Grieving Her Child’s Substance Use Disorder: Traveling Through the Five Stages of Grief

Signup Now

Substance use disorder is an equal opportunity disease. It affects all genders, races, ethnicities, and socio-economic statuses. No one is safe, not even the daughter of an advanced practice registered nurse and loving mother. Amy Joyner discusses grieving a child who has not died and finding meaning in the five stages of grief.

Learner Objectives

  1. To educate participants on the complex nature of grief and substance use disorder. 
  2. To explore the five stages of grief and understand the emotional experience of a grieving mother.


Amy Joyner MSN-Ed, BSN, RN; Doctor of Nursing Candidate; Centreville, Virginia

Amy Joyner has been a Pediatric Registered Nurse for 36 years. She is a Clinical Supervisor for a large pediatric homecare company and an adjunct nursing instructor at two local universities. She is an identical twin and raises her 9-year-old grandson. She is currently working on a Doctor of Nursing Practice project on reducing stigma towards individuals with substance use disorders.

Nursing CE

This event is approved for Nursing CE with the California Board of Nursing.

Registration Rates

  • ASAN Members: $0, free to members

  • Non-Members: $15

    • Not a Member? Click here to join, then sign up for the webinar.


No refund due to cancellation. All registrants will have access to a video archive if you are unable to attend in person.

This webinar will be announced soon
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