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Nursing CEs

This conference is approved for up Nursing CEs with the California Board of Nursing. Each attendee will receive a certificate of attendance with Nursing CEs after completion of the conference survey.



Thursday, August 7

Subject to change

4- 7pm

ASAN Board of Directors Meeting

(Invitation only)


Friday, August 8

12 - 12:10pm Welcome & Opening
12:10 - 4:50pm Afternoon presentations
4:50 - 5:30pmExhibitor Welcome Reception
7 - 8pm Support group meeting

Saturday, August 9

7 - 8am Support group meeting
7:30 - 8:20am Breakfast
8:30 - 12:10pm Morning presentations
12:10 - 2pm Lunch
2 - 4:10pm Afternoon presentations
 Evening on your own

Sunday August 10

7 - 8amSupport group meeting
7:30 - 8:20amBreakfast
8:30 - 12:10pmMorning presentations
12:10pmConference closing

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