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ASAN welcomes Corporate Sponsorships and Donations from the public and private sector. Corporate Sponsorships and Donations will help ASAN grow and provide greater advocacy for nurses and those we care for. Sponsorship and Donations are a way for Corporations, Organizations and Individuals to give back to their communities.

We thank our Founding Sponsors and invite others to join in sponsoring or donating to our Society.

Mission: To provide leadership, collaboration, education and support through the use of evidence informed care in all practice settings and to promote research and education for the prevention, compassionate intervention and treatment of addiction.

ASAN is a non-profit organization and relies on monetary contributions from members and outside sources, including donors and sponsors. ASAN preserves a “church and state” separation between sponsors and content. While donors or sponsors may choose to fund a particular aspect of a program, project, site, newsletter, or event, they participate with the understanding that their funding will not influence the content. The ASAN Board of Directors are responsible to monitor sponsorship and it’s possible effect on the society.

  • Sponsors and sponsor products should support the ASAN Mission and must be of professional or educational benefit to ASAN members.
  • ASAN reserves the right to determine the eligibility of prospective sponsors. ASAN reserves the right to reject or require modification of materials and content that, at ASAN’s sole discretion, is not in keeping with the mission, values and character of ASAN.

Become a Sponsor

Organization - $5,000.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year No automatically recurring payments

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